Date 30/6/2024
Table 1. Portfolio Risk Metrics  
Weighted Average maturity 19,24 years
Weighted Average Time to next refixing  18,77 years
Refinancing Risk 1Y 4,18%
Refinancing Risk 5Y 18,06%
Refixing Risk 1Y 6,81%
Refixing Risk 5Y 19,92%
Ratio Foreign Debt to Total Debt (before derivatives) 0,00%
Ratio Foreign Debt to Total Debt (after derivatives) 0,00%
Ratio Floating Debt to Total Debt (before derivatives) 14,56%
Ratio Floating Debt to Total Debt (after derivatives) 0,00%
Table 2. Portfolio Risk Metrics  
Date Total outstanding General Government  debt (Mln €)
2021Q2 354.010
2021Q3 357.295
2021Q4 353.389
2022Q1 357.665
2022Q2 359.110
2022Q3 357.431
2022Q4 356.256
2023Q1 355.270
2023Q2 358.045
2023Q3 360.171
2023Q4 356.695
2024Q1 355.947
2024Q2*(estimated amounts) 355.900

Ratio of floating rate is calculated including interest rate swap transactions and the use of funding instruments by ESM regarding the loans that  ESM has granted to the Hellenic Republic.The Risk Metrics and stock of debt are presented in terms of General Government debt.